GECAC will be closed on Monday, January 20th, to honor Dr. Martin Luther King's life and legacy.

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of hope for families in Erie County.

GECAC Legacy Society members are special friends who have chosen to change the lives of people in Erie County by including a planned gift to GECAC in their will or estate plan.

What is a Planned Gift?

When you designate GECAC as a beneficiary of your will or living trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or charitable trust, you are making a Planned Gift. Any person who has a will, regardless of age or size of the estate, or the amount of their gift, can make a gift.

Gifts may be made for any amount. Every gift, no matter the size, is important. There are several ways to create a planned gift, and none of them go into effect immediately. This is a great way to ensure your values are expressed well into the future.

How Do I Make a Bequest to GECAC?

If you are writing your will or living trust, you will need to include specific language that correctly identifies your support of GECAC.

Sample Bequest Language

If you already have a will, you can add a codicil to your existing estate plan.

Sample Codicil

If you already have a living trust, you can simply modify the language, directing your trustee to make the desired distributions.

Providing a planned gift to GECAC in your estate plans can also include naming GECAC as a beneficiary of the following:

  • Retirement plan
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Donor-advised fund
  • Life insurance policy
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust
  • Remainder gift of real estate

Official Name and Tax Number

  • GECAC's federal tax I.D. number is 25-6068246.

GECAC Legacy Society

The GECAC Legacy Society is a group of loyal GECAC community members who have indicated to us their intention to include GECAC in their estate plans. We gratefully acknowledge the essential role they play in securing the future of GECAC.

Become a member now and join others who have invested in the future of GECAC. Regardless of its size, your gift will have a lasting impact on low-income families, children, and older adults.

Become a Founding Member of our Legacy Society

If you have already named us as the beneficiary of a planned gift, let us know. We will welcome you as a GECAC Legacy Society member.

Donors who share their plans with GECAC ensure that their intentions are understood and allow us to thank them appropriately. Those who prefer to keep their estate gifts anonymous can be certain that we will honor their request.

If you have already included GECAC in your bequest plans, we hope that you will let us know by filling out the Planned Gift Notification Form.

Planned Gift Notification Form


Kimberly McCaslin, CFRE
Associate Vice President/Operations
(814) 459-4581 x446

Those considering a planned gift should consult with their own legal and tax advisors.