Many people interact with GECAC, and when you partner with us, all of our donors, customers, and volunteers hear about your business. A partnership with GECAC will help your company create more connections.
Nothing brings people together like helping others. When your company partners with GECAC you have the opportunity to volunteer at or attend our events. This is a great way to get your staff out of the office and do something fun together.
If you are viewed as a company that cares about people and the community, people will think highly of you. Whether it is customers, employees, or other businesses, people value companies that help others. This can also set you apart from other companies with which you are competing.
A partnership with GECAC is a win-win situation. We have many partnership opportunities including sponsoring or underwriting programs, services, and events. For more information about underwriting a specific program, please contact us.
GECAC has two primary events happening throughout the year. Each one is unique in its programming and the audience it attracts. Both events are planned and executed by our amazing GECAC staff and volunteers who help ensure everyone has a great time.
Kimberly McCaslin, CFRE
Associate Vice President/Operations
(814) 459-4581 x446