Where does GECAC provide services?
GECAC operates approximately 50 programs to serve residents throughout Erie County.
Is GECAC a non-profit organization?
Yes. Donations to GECAC are tax-deductible. GECAC is not a government agency.
Are GECAC and GEEDC two different organizations?
Yes. GEEDC stands for Greater Erie Economic Development Corporation. They are two separate entities. We do not share the same board of directors or mission. GECAC is in no way affiliated with GEEDC, except that they are our landlords. We have rented their building at 18 West 9th Street since the 70s to serve as our headquarters and to house our downtown Senior Center. We pay rent to GEEDC.
Where does GECAC's funding come from?
The majority of our funding comes to us through grant writing. GECAC writes proposals to foundations and the government to pay for our services to the community. GECAC is awarded grants because of the quality of the services we provide.
Each program has its own guidelines for determining who qualifies for services. Usually, the entity that awards GECAC the money will tell us who qualifies for the program. Example: The person's age, income, where they live, etc. Many of our programs use the Federal Poverty Guidelines to determine financial eligibility. To learn if you qualify for a specific program please call (814) 459-4581.
How do I contact a GECAC staff member?